Friday, June 25, 2010


So! Still here. Just, uh, strangely busy.

But I managed to finally get some pictures off my camera and phone. Except the Flickr iPhoto updater is a bitch and decided not to keep the pictures together, so I will instead direct you to the sets I painfully created just to keep some semblance of order.


Set the first! Emma's first ballet recital. Uh, two months ago.*

Set the second! The tea party I decided to host during a brief lapse in sanity. Also, I didn't take many pictures so please use your imagination.*

Set the third! In the evening after the tea party my friends threw a totally awesome surprise graduation party for me and totally made me teary. Stupid awesome friends.

Set the fourth! Emma's last day of school.*

AND set the fifth! The park district out here is pretty sweet, and a friend of mine (who works for them) organized a nature walk with a fairy theme. Needless to say, it was a big hit.*

Scattered among the sets are pics of me and Fred taken by Emma, and proof that I don't kill every plant that I come into contact with.

Please to enjoy while I try to recover from the busy-ness.

*Log in to Flickr to see ALL the photos, since, you know, there are other people's kids and other people can be weird about their kids and the interwebs.

Trying a variation on the iTunes-generated title, instead using whatever's currently playing when I start writing. Prepare yourself for lots of posts titled "silence." The Besnard Lakes (via The Current)