sick kid
no sleep
lightning all night like a pack of photographers outside my windows
office a disaster
wearing my husband's shirt
admiring my nails
family all together again in T-6 hours
good morning.
sick kid
no sleep
lightning all night like a pack of photographers outside my windows
office a disaster
wearing my husband's shirt
admiring my nails
family all together again in T-6 hours
good morning.
The problem with me ("just ONE?" the chorus sings) is that I make promises I can't follow through on. Redesign! Monkey bread! BIG news!
I'm in a bit of a creative hell hole. I only want to do creative things during that pesky time between, oh, 8am and noon. Which would be fine and dandy except I'm WORKING. On quite substantially NOT creative things. And by the time I get home and the kid goes to bed, I'm overwhelmed by my choices:
"Do I watch Glee?
Or do I update the blog?
Or do I read a book?
Or do I work on those essays?
Or do I edit some video?
Or do I scrap a couple of pages?
Or do I upload some pictures to Flickr?
And when am I going to catch up on Fringe?"
Which leads to "Fuck it. I'm taking a bath and reading my gigantic book*. Good night."
And that is why, when I update my blog from work, it's full of fun sounding things, and by the time I can sit down at my computer and actually, you know, SHARE those things, well, I just don't want to any more.
Tonight's not any different.
I've packed my suitcase. I've packed Emma's suitcase. Fred's packed his suitcase. We depart tomorrow morning at a stupid early hour.
Our sump pump has broken. And been fixed.
Our tires went flat. And are being replaced as I write.
Our will is waning. Also, as is often the case with me, I'm tired.
(The tire thing? Yeah. NOT a metaphor. Like, actual FLAT TIRES. Ha.)
But I will give you something. Not monkey bread. And definitely not a redesign. And probably not a platform migration (seriously, with the link updating? That's gonna take some time). Okay, TWO things:
1) RSS feed. Kind of. Subscribe to my Tumblr feed. It'll tell you when there's a new post here. It'll also share all of my Twitter posts (because I originally set it up as an archive for Twitter... and I'm too lazy to change it right now).
1.5) BONUS SOMETHING! Speaking of Twitter, behold: my husband
2) I got a job. Er, another job. A, uh, second job. At a library. Like, an honest to god library, with books and shit. It's not a librarian position, but I'm at the top of the list. And this library? It's real purty.
dun dun DUN.
(You guys all got the movie reference in the title, yes? YES? Please say yes so we can still be friends.)
Among the things I want to tell you about soon:
But before I get to that, I just have to say, you guys? The shoe thing? Is OUT. OF. CONTROL.
I'm happy today. Why?
Because last night, after avoiding schoolwork by baking not one but TWO sugariffic items, then watching Flash Forward, and The Office, AND Happy Town, during which I may have poisoned myself with all of that sugarifficness, ending up with a headache and bad mood, I decided this morning to take some ibuprofen and sing Concrete Blonde in the shower, thus resulting in 1) a good mood, and 2) the LONGEST SENTENCE I HAVE EVER WRITTEN, HOLY GOD.
So, kittens, later (tonight, though next week is probably more accurate) I'll have pictures of my sugariffic awesomeness in baking AND LATER later (next year) a Very Special Anniversary Post dedicated to my schmoopikins, Suo Ewan Fred.
(Monday is our wedding anniversary. Seven years. Color me embarrassed when, while visiting with new friends and learning that their anniversary is around the same time, I piped up with "Yes! Eight years for us!" and Fred quietly says, "Seven years." I smiled sheepishly and may have said, "I don't like math.")
And now, I must leave you to do this dreary thing they call "work." Surely there's a better term for it.
Oh, yes.