Friday, May 7, 2010

coming soon

I'm happy today. Why?

Because last night, after avoiding schoolwork by baking not one but TWO sugariffic items, then watching Flash Forward, and The Office, AND Happy Town, during which I may have poisoned myself with all of that sugarifficness, ending up with a headache and bad mood, I decided this morning to take some ibuprofen and sing Concrete Blonde in the shower, thus resulting in 1) a good mood, and 2) the LONGEST SENTENCE I HAVE EVER WRITTEN, HOLY GOD.

So, kittens, later (tonight, though next week is probably more accurate) I'll have pictures of my sugariffic awesomeness in baking AND LATER later (next year) a Very Special Anniversary Post dedicated to my schmoopikins, Suo Ewan Fred.

(Monday is our wedding anniversary. Seven years. Color me embarrassed when, while visiting with new friends and learning that their anniversary is around the same time, I piped up with "Yes! Eight years for us!" and Fred quietly says, "Seven years." I smiled sheepishly and may have said, "I don't like math.")

And now, I must leave you to do this dreary thing they call "work." Surely there's a better term for it.
Oh, yes.


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