Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I was catching up with a friend today and explained that this culminating school project is taking up so much of my mental energy that I can't focus on anything else. Work (as in, the place I go every day and hide at my desk) is exploding and apparently I registered for another class this semester that seems to want me to do things and participate and shit. Also, there are these people who live in my house and I feel like I should pay some attention to them. One of them is cute, and I get the feeling that he's hitting on me, and the other one keeps calling me "Mommy" and I keep looking behind me to figure out who she's talking to. Because me? I can't be mommy right now. Or wife. Or quasi-program coordinator who nods and says, "Yes! Sure!" to more work. I can't even be healthy right now.

In 10 days... TEN... I will be done with this. And I can get back to my life. And my brain.

I hope those people who live in my house are still there when this is done. They seem like nice people.

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